Our Objectives - The Association of Jamaicans (UK) Trust


Aims and Objectives


To promote the social cultural and economic interests of Jamaicans in the United Kingdom, to assist with their welfare and to draw the attention of Governments at home and abroad to all matters affecting the well-being of Jamaican Nationals;


To provide all means considered necessary for achieving the Aims and Objectives as laid down in the Constitution of ‘The Association of Jamaicans (UK) Trust.’;


To promote the growth and development of the Association and the well-being of its members;


To promote better understanding between Jamaicans and other peoples of the United Kingdom


To cooperate with or affiliate to, other organized bodies with similar aims.


To promote research into and provide information upon, the social economic and academic activities of Jamaicans in the United Kingdom.


Anyone from Jamaica, their family, and their descendants can join our Association if they agree with our aims.


Note: The Association is a registered charity no: 271040

Please contact us if you wish to

become a member

Contact Information:

The Membership officer


PO. Box 2197


R90 9UT